Saturday, September 8, 2007

Open for Business

Welcome to Cafe Autumn. Have a seat. Relax. Chef Autumn herself has prepared something special for you. How about some fresh felt linguine with pompom meatballs? Maybe a slice of our finest sponge cake for dessert? What's that? You want a french fry pizza taco with orange juice? Sure thing. Here at Cafe Autumn the customer is always right.
Play food is my new crafting obsession. So far Autumn's ever-growing collection includes bacon, a fried egg, pasta, a tiny cake, meatballs, fries, pizza crust (which often doubles as a taco shell for some reason), sauce and cheese. Oh and a tomato slice, as featured in the oh-so delicious fry taco.
Out of all the toys I've made her these definitely get the most play time. Almost every morning while I'm making her breakfast, she prepares mine. She insists that I call her "Chef" whenever she dons her little apron, which she decorated today with a lovely beach scene.
Chef Autumn also got to try her hand at some cooking of the non-pretend variety when she helped prepare an almost-homemade (thank you store bought crust) cheese pizza for lunch. In my completely un-biased opinion, it was excellent. Oh and yes, we baked a round pizza on a rectangular cookie sheet because I can never seem to remember to buy a pizza pan.
Yum yum yum. Think this entry has enough pictures yet? Nah.
This bunny was made for a friend's daughter named Ella, who just turned one. And speaking of business, I'm adding bunnies just like this one and Daron's as well as a few others to the Etsy shop. I'm calling them Charmbunnies, because they sort of remind me of charm bracelet charms, in that they each have their own story and unique personality. I think they're quite sweet and fun to make.


Faye said...

and now I want Pizza!!!!! I hope you are having a great weekend.... Class all day tomorrow, woohoo

M said...

hey, i found your blogsite from (i rarely post, though!) and can i just tell you that, i think, your crafts are amazing (i actually thought your "spongecake" was a real cake. haha i'm so embarassed!)! your little girl super adorable, too. i'm so jealous of her kitchen stuff. haha.

anyway, i hope i don't come off as a "creepy" interet stalker/stranger...i'm not! i just wanted to let you know that you're very talented! (:

my name is marchi, btw.

M said...

i meant, "i just wanted to let you know that i think you're very talented" (: