Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i'm baaaaaaack!

After a long hiatus, I'm back and I'm bloggier than ever before! Miss me? I know you did. I missed you too. Upon reentering the blogosphere I decided that I was in need of a fresh start, a blank canvas, if you will. So follow me to my brand spankin' new blog, Alternamommy!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

no vacancy

Adam's 14-year-old nephew, Daniel, has moved in with us. His parents are going through a difficult divorce and we've all decided that this is the best place for him to be right now. So with the three of us plus Adam's mom, Daniel, a dog and two rats, this place is getting pretty full.

I'm glad we can help both Michele and Daniel out, but I have to say I really miss when it was just the three of us. We all have a lot less privacy and personal space than we were used to, and it's been stressful to say the least. I had to sort of step back and take a break from everything (including blogging, obviously) for a while to take some time to adjust. I wish I could say I wasn't having such a hard time with this, but that's the truth.

Things are getting easier as time goes on, though. I try to just keep myself busy and stay out of the way. I just hope that one day I'll be able to feel comfortable in my own home again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

art therapy

You voted...

here it is!
Life gives you lemons, 12 1/2" x 10" x 2 1/2"

i've been working on my evil laugh.

Autumn (sitting in the living room with a pen and paper): Mom, how do you spell "mwah"?

Me: Moi? Are you trying to write in French?

Autumn: No, I'm trying to spell "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!"

Sometimes we worry that if she ever gets superpowers she'll be a villain.